Blog Post

5 Tips to Keep in Mind When Choosing Your Marketing KPI

Sim Wan Yong • July 1, 2019

Every marketing effort should be carried out with a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) in mind.

We concur.

However, these KPIs should be relevant - don't create your KPIs just for the sake of creating them!

Here's a blog post guiding you on how you can create the right KPIs that matter for your next marketing campaign and your business.

Five Tips to Remember When Choosing Your Marketing KPIs

Your KPIs are Only as Good as Your Content

Every post, good or bad, can trigger a KPI or two.

A post share can seem good, until you check the shared content to see the person criticizing it. Seeing a post engagement go up can be awesome, but remember that 'Hide this post' can also be a post engagement, albeit a negative one.

Your content quality will determine whether you will get positive data for your KPIs, so create quality content over quantity!

Your KPIs Should be Related to your Business Goals

Always work towards your company goals.

If your company is working towards a better brand awareness, you can look at metrics such as unique reach and new followers. If you are looking at increasing sales, you can look at KPIs such as add-to-carts, purchases and new registrations.

Tie your marketing campaign objectives and goals to your company goals to ensure that you are always moving in the right direction.

Track Several KPIs That Matters

Include more than just one KPIs for your marketing campaigns.

It wouldn't seem right if, let's say, your 3-month campaign only has a single KPI focused on tracking post engagements. Include other metrics that matters to track everything else that you're accomplishing. A video campaign, as an example, can include video view rates, 100% views, new subscribers and more.

Don't sell yourself short by implementing too few KPIs, but that also brings us to the next point, which is...

Don't Go Overboard with your KPIs

Do you really need 50 KPIs for one marketing campaign?

Reaching KPIs will require you to track and analyze quite a handful of data - who's responsible for what? Which ones can you track easily, and which KPIs will require way too much manpower to sort out?

Choose the KPIs that can tell the audience just enough about what is happening in the current campaign.

It's Not All About You

So you noticed that your e-mail open rate has dropped this week.

Don't be too quick to blame yourself! Maybe it's just the subject line needing some optimizing, or perhaps your email was delivered during a busy time of the week. Look further - your email with the lowest open rate could be the one with the most additional actions taken!

Don't be too alarmed over one low-engagement post - there could be many factors that are not under your control to start with!

Ultimately, your chosen set of KPIs can determine whether your campaign is considered successful or not, so take some time to think through the metrics that truly matters for your campaign and your company goals!

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