If you have already built your own business website either through your own web developer or through our business website service s, it’s time for you to run your website URL through Google’s PageSpeed Insights.
We are approaching 2019 fast - Information about your business is being searched through Google and other search engines with expectations for answers to pop up instantly.
It’s all about the speed, and the secret formulae to higher conversion rates and business inquiries lies within the golden 3 seconds rule.
If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, you can expect almost half of your website visitors to abandon your site. 3 seconds is all it takes!
Head to Google PageSpeed Insights
and key in your website URL. The score that you receive is an overall indicator of how well your website is performing. Of course, the higher the score it is to 100, the better your website is performing!
With mobile searches and conversions becoming the norm these days, the updated Google PageSpeed Insights now provides a breakdown of the score by mobile and desktop performance.
In the past, PageSpeed Insights has always been focused solely on how fast the page loads. The optimization tips provided under the scores would provide ideas on how you can improve it. However, there was one issue.
The optimizations do not necessarily improve user experience.
Google now centralizes the insights on this important aspect, and its PageSpeed Insights updates reflect just that.
One of the major PageSpeed Insights upgrade is the fact that it now utilizes Lighthouse data to assign you a website score. This is a huge step forward for companies looking to advertise on certain websites and of course, for the website owner to optimize their site for better user experience.
You can think of lighthouse as a mid-tier device simulator. When you insert your website URL into PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse would load the link as a mid-tier device would with a mobile data connection. That’s about the top 25% of 3G connections and the lowest 25% of 4G connections - quite a good estimate to base a website analysis with.
Among the data provided, two aspects under ‘Lab Data’ are crucial for better user experience for your website, which are First Meaningful Paint (FMP) and Time to Interactive (TTI).
FMP refers to the time your website takes before it loads a useful content such as your hero shot or informative video above the fold. This is the element that should always load first, even if the other parts are going to take a little longer. After all, if you have an ongoing promotion or latest product launch that you want your users to know about, it is usually at the top of your site. The faster the FMP loads, the better!
Meanwhile, Time to Interactive (TTI) refers to the amount of time needed before your visitor can start interacting with your page.
Your website may load in 2 seconds, but if your JavaScripts and other codes prevent your web page from being interactive for the next 3 or 4 seconds, then your initial fast loading speed might as well be void. TTI will let you know if you need to fix any codes or if they are any scripts on your page slowing you down!
The updated layout also makes it easier to prioritize certain optimizing tasks over the other. You can always refer to the ‘estimated savings’ tabs to see how much faster your website would load if you fix its accompanying issue! It would be a good idea to start with optimizing the most concerning opportunities on mobile first, and adjust the desktop opportunities later on.
Why not try using Google’s PageSpeed Insights now and collaborate with your web developer to give your website a better user experience? After all, when users are satisfied, you have higher chances for more customer engagements and conversions!
You can also contact us via any of the platforms below if you would like to know more about business website performance, domain purchasing and various other digital marketing concerns that you might have.
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