Responsive ads have been around for a while. These ads allow you to add multiple headlines, descriptions and images in a single ad slot, so you don’t have to create multiple ad assets for your display ad units.
Recently, Google came up with three new features in responsive display ads, making this ad format even more convenient and reliable.
Previously, responsive display ads can be made up of images and logos in landscape and square formats. You can also include short headlines, long headlines, several descriptions and your own CTA button as well.
Now, Google has included the option of adding up to five 30-second YouTube video clips in your responsive display ads as well. It is already known that video assets can help users to gain more visibility as compared to a plain image or test ad, so this addition of a video asset can improve your ad’s performance.
With that many headlines and descriptions, it’s hard for you to know which ad combination is being seen by your audiences, and which ones are working.
There’s the ad combination report for that. When you click into the responsive display ad units, there will be two tabs at the top - assets & combinations. Click on the ‘combinations’ tab to find out how well your assets are doing, and which combination in particular is gaining you more clicks and interests.
This is why it is important for headline and description varieties to be included when you are creating a responsive display ad - if all of these are similar to each other, then you can never see a significant difference in the results. Think of responsive display ads as a method to A/B test your headlines and descriptions!
If you aren’t sure what to insert in the headlines and description slots, or if your responsive display ad is strong enough, try referring to the ad strength scorecard.
This scorecard will assess the number and types of images that you have, whether your headlines and descriptions are unique enough with sufficient number of words in it
There is also a middle column with the phrase ‘Next Steps’ that you can refer to in order to increase your Google Responsive Display ad strength.
So, these are some of the newer features introduced for Google responsive display ads so far. How many of these features have you already tried and is actively using? Let us know in the comments section below and don’t hesitate to ask us if you have further questions about Google ads, Facebook ads or other digital marketing platforms and methods!
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