Hey, Mr./Mrs./Ms. Client,
It's us. Your campaign manager. Uhm... The one from
PanPages TRINITY. Wait no, not that one. remember when you signed up for
Google Ads
/ Facebook Ads/ YouTube Ads/ Waze Ads with us? Yeah, that's the one.
That's us.
We have some new for you. Good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?
Actually, you know what, I think we should make something a little clear first.
You have spent a few thousands for your ad spend in the past 3 months, yes? Yeah, well, you see... This isn't really working as well as we think it should.
The good news is - your ads are performing quite well!
Currently, you have about 20% click-through rate for your search ads on Google - that's really healthy. Yep, trust us. For your industry, the benchmark would have been about 10%, and we doubled that right up! Heh, you're welcome. We know you'd be happy. We're pleased too. Our team took some time finding and optimizing the right keywords and targeting settings for your company.
Yeah, the ads are good too! Thankfully you have your
Google My Business account
so you can add all those fancy little ad extensions. You guys were prompt with taking actions for that one and we are really thrilled. Your campaign was launched on time!
Oh, the bad news?
Well... You might have noticed that the searches don't quite convert to anything much, yes? Uhm... Well you see, we think it's the website issue. We have optimized all we could from our end on the Google Ads interface.
Well, you see, your website is still running on Flash.
It's not responsive. By now, websites should be running on a responsive design, which means that your website should automatically resize and rearrange itself to fit the screen that it is being displayed on.
... and still be easy to read without needing to zoom in.
Create a Mobile-First Website DesignCreate a Mobile-First Website Design
You see, more people are searching and purchasing on the go nowadays - which means that you need to optimize your website for mobile screens even more.
Flash websites and other non-responsive websites don't work that way. They just squeeze whatever you can see on your laptop into the width of other screens - on phone, on tablets. It's not user friendly.
Yeah, I'm sharing my screen across. You noticed how distracting the moving GIF above is for you to read this?
That's bad user experience, isn't it?
Uhm, I don't know how to break it to you gently, but this is what you are doing to potential customers landing on your website.
... Yeah.
So... Even if we were to give you the best campaign set up and get you a 100% CTR for your ads, well, no one's going to really do anything when they land on a website like that, you know?
A website like that just makes you want to make a run for it and cross off the tab even if you were indeed interested enough to click on the ads.
Maybe hire a web designer to help you revamp the website? I think we might have some tips for you if you were working on this alone too.
We can help you with some tips on creating a better website, but we also have our own business platform if you are up for it.
Yes, it's responsive.
Yes, you can choose from ready templates that can serve different industries.
and yes, you can even put fancy things like pop-ups for vouchers, free downloads, or even have this little phone button that directs mobile users to the calling screen if they click on it.
In fact, we hold workshops to show you what our website platform can do, so maybe you can come around some other time to see if you're interested. We'll let you know, and you will definitely know too if you just
follow our Facebook page. That's where we put all our upcoming events and workshops.
Meanwhile, there's another issue with your website that we'd like to point out too.
Your website needs some buttons and information. Okay, let me explain.
Let's say someone has searched for keywords about something you are selling. They saw your ads about your products - at a promotion price. Awesome! So, they click in, and they are greeted with a page like this below.
Bear with us, we completely made this website up on Paint - except for the picture of the bike of course.
Umm... wow. So all the client is going to see when they land on your page is a couple of photographs of what you're selling and the model name? What does it feature? It doesn't even say anything about the promotion on the ad that the client clicked on earlier!
We Need More Product Descriptions & Details!
It won't hurt to add some additional information about your products or services. Let your customers know what they might get if they purchase this product.
Even if your product is something as bland as an egg carton, you can still include phrases such as 'eco-friendly', 'sturdy make' or anything else. Anything is better than leaving the product descriptions blank!
So, let's fix this.
Questionable design, yes, but granted, it has the details that every buyer needs. The colors available, the prices, what your product has, and even the beautiful model name and the promised promotion that the client clicked on!
But uhm... What next?
You Need to Make Your Product Pages Actionable
Make it easy for your customers to purchase from you. If you already have color choices, why not let them choose a color and a quantity, as an example, and let them purchase their model online?
You can make this trashy website a little better just by making your landing pages more actionable.
Let your users know what they can do next by adding a button underneath the product descriptions - something like in this picture below:
Even if you don't do online selling, you can at least change the button text to something like "Find Out Where You Can Buy This" or "Request a Quotation for This Product" or even something a little more quirky, like "Send Us an Inquiry about This Product for a 5% Discount".
The point is, you need to make your website actionable.
Now, let's just say that your customer is really hyped up to purchase from you. Right there. Immediately. Pronto.
Then they get greeted with the most complex check out system ever.
That's where all your customers are going to log off.
Make It Easy for Your Customers to Purchase From You
Here's a few guidelines from us:
- Take only the information you need to get your job done.
- Enable 'Guest Check-Out' for purchases. You can provide incentives for registering an account on your website - e.g. 'Get RM5 off when you check out after registering/ signing in.'
- Complete the purchasing process in as few steps as possible.
- Have secure payment gateway options - SSL certificates, FPX payment etc.
Now, that would make your website a lot better already.
Here's how your website might look like after all that enhancements. Just click on the images or the links in the caption to visit the website itself:
Oh, just one last thing. It's really the last point, I promise.
Going back to our Google Ad campaign, we really hope that you can add that conversion code into your website soon.
Conversion Codes Help Us to Track What's Working & What's Not
When a user searches a keyword on Google, clicks on your ad and successfully complete a valuable action, such as registering an account, adding an item to the cart, successfully purchasing from you, or even just leaving an inquiry in a contact form, Google Ads track this.
From our end, we will know which keyword and text ad was impressive enough that it made the user click on it and complete the action that you wanted.
We get enough of these data and we can optimize your Google Ads & keyword lists even more, bringing you more results for your ad spend.
Sounds good to you yet?
Yep. So...
I'll send you the codes again, okay? Just ask your web developer to put those codes on the pages that matter and we can get started. We'll send you the specific instructions too.
Let me know if you want us to help you with the website meanwhile, aite? We'll make you one that's good enough to get the customers purchasing.
Okay, thanks for your time, see you soon!